May 28, 2013

Being Featured Today Over at Fox News Magazine


Last week I was contacted by Fox News Magazine editor Michael Bartiromo asking if TheBigGiantFoodBasket would like to contribute a recipe to an upcoming article. 

Well you can just imagine my surprise and thrill! And as many bloggers do, I didn't want to jinx the whole thing by revealing anything until the article was up in print. The recipe they were interested in was my Limey Roasted Corn Salad. The article it is being highlighted in is titled...

Don't you  just love the title? To see the other fabulous non lettuce recipes follow the link above. 

Gosh you never know who is out there reading your blog.

Wishing you a wonderful day!!!



  1. Congrats, Barbara. Sounds like a great recipe. xo

  2. I'm so happy for you, Barbara, and I know you are just thrilled! I'm off to have a peek at the article!



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