April 18, 2013

The Perfect Little Appetizer ~ Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes

I'm a pushover when it comes to tomatoes...I love them, and so do my kids. This little appetizer marries together two of my favorite ingredients, tomato and avocado. 

First you will need to cut the tops off and hull out the middle of 30 cherry tomatoes. Drain them inverted on a paper towel.

Then combine the following...

1/2 of a medium avocado
2 ounces of cream cheese softened
2 T of basil pesto (I make it using the Knorr brand)
1 tsp lemon juice

You can beat these together with a hand blender or food processor. Then using either a small spoon or a pastry bag, fill the little tomatoes  with this super yummy mixture! If desired you can garnish the tomatoes by sprinkling snipped basil on top of them

The weekend is almost here so we will have Grace's lacrosse game on Saturday, then if the weather is nice we have a lot of outside work to get done.

Do you have any special plans for a beautiful spring weekend?

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  1. What a pretty and delicious-sounding idea! I've never thought of using guacamole as a stuffing for anything before.

  2. I adore these! I can so imagine everyone gobbling them up as quickly as I could fill them.

  3. Barbara, this is such a pretty presentation. I've used cherry tomatoes to fill, but have never filled them with guac.
    I"ll be using this idea soon! ~ Sarah

  4. I used this recipe as a spread for a "California" style sandwich. It was fabulous!
