May 30, 2011

Apple, Grape and Bacon Salad with a Strawberry Vinaigrette

The fresh fruit is coming in and now is the time to take advantage of it and start whipping up some interesting new salad combos. I first had this salad when I moved to central Jersey except it had a raspberry dressing on top. I happen to only have strawberries in the house so I decided to switch it up and make a strawberry vinaigrette. The apples with the bacon and blue cheese add a little extra punch of flavor to this salad and the sweetness of the dressing adds another flavor dimension.


Spring salad mix
Red grapes
Granny smith apple sliced
Bacon cooked crisp
Blue cheese crumbled
Nuts such as pecans or walnuts


1/2 pint of strawberries sliced in half
1/4 cup olive oil
3T white balsamic vinegar
1 level T. sugar
salt and black pepper to taste
(Yields 8 servings of dressing)


Toss the salad ingredients together and set aside. In blender or food processor blend together the ingredients to make the vinaigrette. Pour over salad, toss and serve!

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