April 5, 2013

Healthy Traffic Light Snack for Kids

If you have school age children you know how difficult it can be to get them to eat a healthy after school snack. Well I saw this on Facebook today and thought they were the cutest dang things...who wouldn't want to eat one of these stop lights? And as it happened, I had everything needed in my frig to make these.

What is used to  make these darling lights are as follows...

Celery stalks cut in 3 inch pieces
cream cheese
red, yellow and green bell peppers

The steps to make the traffic light treat...

ONE: Spread cream cheese onto the celery smoothly and clean the edges of the celery

TWO: Cut circles from your bell peppers using a metal Wilton frosting tip.

THREE: Pop the circle out of the frosting tip using a sharp knife.

FOUR: Place the circles on the the cream cheese.

FIVE: Skewer the celery with wood skewer.

And ENJOY!!!

Have a super weekend!

This recipe was found at the Super Healthy Kids website. To see more healthy ideas for kids you can visit their site by clicking here.

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  1. These look so adorably cute! What a great idea! Thank you for sharing with Foodie Friends Friday! We are sharing this recipe on our FFF Facebook Page tomorrow. We would love for you to come over! Please come back and VOTE on Sunday!

  2. Here is the link of the Daily Dish Magazine post with your recipe: http://www.foodiefriendsfridaydailydish.com/recipes-that-caught-our-attention-10/?fb_source=pubv1

    Hope to see you this week with another GREAT recipe!
